La Canada USD Special Parcel Tax Election
March 04, 2014
Election Statistics
Statistic Count
Total Registrations 13,005
Total Precincts 56
Voter Turnout
Statistic Count Percent
Voted 5,621 43.22%
Remaining Eligible Voters 7,384 56.78%
Precinct Statistics
Statistic Count Percent
Precincts Reporting 56 100.00%
Precincts Remaining 0 .00%
Ballot Distribution
Statistic Count Percent
Vote by Mail Ballots 5,621 100.00%
Vote Center Ballots 0 .00%

Results as of 03/07/2014 13:25:27. Results are representative of Los Angeles County only. Remember to refresh this page to ensure that you have the latest results.
La Canada USD Spec
To protect quality La Cañada schools with funds the State cannot take; continue advanced academic programs in math/science/ technology; attract/retain qualified teachers; maintain manageable class sizes; and prepare students for top colleges/careers, shall La Cañada Unified School District renew the expiring annual school parcel tax and increase the rate by $300 (as described in the ballot pamphlet) for seven years, with exemptions for seniors, independent oversight, no money for administrator salaries and funds under local control?
Candidate(s) Votes Percent
YES 3,810 68.12%
NO 1,783 31.88%

2/3 of votes cast

Party Key:
(N) - Non Partisan |